Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The League Of Nations By Woodrow Wilson - 1202 Words
The league of nations was started after World War I to try to bring peace to this world after this horrid war we had just been in. It was proposed by Woodrow Wilson, to the allied forces to join in this league to use arbitration to make decisions on other nations matters so it can be solved before they try to start a war. This might sound all well but if you think about it, it is impossible to achieve world peace in general. The League s goals included disarmament, preventing war through collective security, settling disputes between countries through negotiation and diplomacy, and improving global welfare. Despite these bold aims, the League proved incapable of preventing aggression by the fascist powers in late 1930s. The United Nations effectively replaced it after World War II and inherited a number of agencies and organizations founded by the League. The opposition to the League of Nations comes from four sources: The extreme Socialists and radical revolutionists who look on all measures devised by government as at present constitution as â€Å"capitalistic†and as â€Å"bourgeois makeshifts†; from constitutives who considers any change as dangerous and revolutionary; from Republican party leaders who want to make political capital against Wilson a democrat, and from those who believe in an extreme nationalism and who feel that any international agreement will curb American’s nationalistic aspirations. The League of Nations has its roots in a popular support far deeper andShow MoreRelatedWoodrow Wilson s The League Of Nations1534 Words  | 7 Pagesanother war and just brings peace between. This is when we got to know about the League of nations. Woodrow Wilson, president United states, introduced the league of Nations which is basically a huge union uniting countries just to promote peace. A. State your thesis statement (A one sentence statement that sums up the major idea of the paper and incorporates a position on that idea). The league of nations had set goals that were going to really help the world find the peace they’ve beenRead MoreWoodrow Wilson s The League Of Nations2011 Words  | 9 PagesThe League of Nations was established in 1919 after the deadly and devastating conflict of World War I. The nations of the world needed a way to rebuild and regain trust in one another after this worldwide atrocity. President Woodrow Wilson believed that an international peacekeeping organization, such as the League of Nations, could achieve this monumental goal. President Wilson was convinced that the League could prevent another wWorld wWar, preserve peace, and promote total disarmament amongRead MoreWoodrow Wilson s The League Of Nations1546 Words  | 7 Pagesto secure the peace that they were craving for and also to punish Germany for being a spark to World War 1. 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